Saturday, 3 March 2012

More dye!

Koda-traces at the ready......................................................................................
..........................and more dye, pigment this time.  I'm getting closer to production!


  1. Yes like Topsy I can see your costs mounting.....but then if you get lots of use out of everything it will becost effective in the end!!! I liked screen prointing but hated the print room, thats why I had a go at lino Printing (Thanx for your lovely comment)as small and cheap enought o have a go at printing in my kitchen (no space for a stucio!!!!)
    Hope you have lots of fun with all your prints...looking forward to seeing them :-)

  2. Thanks Chris. You should maybe look at investing in a small table top printing press? You might find one on e-bay. Or look at I think they sell them.

  3. Thanx for the info...will have to look into it!
